Easter “Eggs”

A couple months ago I was surfing the web, looking for information about spirit photography, when I came across Jeff Danelek’s website, ourcuriousworld.com.  Jeff has posted several reader-submitted photographs of spirits that he believes to be legitimate.  Although he states on his website that he believes most “orbs” in photographs are dust particles reflected by a camera’s flash, he did post one photo of an orb that he believes to be different and could possibly be spirit energy.  (He did tell me in a recent email that he is becoming more open to other possibilities in this area as he has been doing some research into orbs.)  Because Jeff was so discriminating about spirit photos, I decided that I would email Jeff my “Wedding Visitor” photo which I have posted here previously, to see what he thought.  He responded that he thought the photo was quite interesting, but because there is no face to compare to a photo of the person I believe to be the spirit subject, he could not say for sure if this was a spirit photo.  Fair enough.  However, because I told him I have communicated with this spirit in the past, he suggested that I ask him if he would manifest in a photo for me.  So I did just that this past Easter evening.  After asking, I turned off most of the lights in the area, and started snapping about 50 pictures in the area I felt he would likely show up if he were going to manifest.

The result consisted of many pictures with nothing out of the ordinary in them, several pictures containing a few faint orbs, and then the following photos:

This first one is so bright, it is lighting up the curtain:


In the next photo, I had at first only noticed the oval-shaped orb on the right, and it was just recently that I noticed the orb(s) on the table, seeming to be moving from the flower vase across the table.


Note:  In the next one, the light appearing on the right side of the blinds actually is light coming through from outside, but there are also two orbs in view.


Next is one of my favorites.  I love how bright and perfectly round it is.Image


This last one appears to have some color on the edges.


Thanks for checking these out, and as always, I welcome your comments.

10 thoughts on “Easter “Eggs”

  1. my secret love for you says:

    Hi there, very nice pictures. I read your post and it is true that we are always looking for validation, I think it is natural, but even myself, that I have spent so much time reading and gathering information I came to the conclusion that only people who believe or have the same inclination as you, will tell you that something positive, people that they have other belief will tell you a different story, people who don’t believe nothing else, but they belief, which ever this is, will tell you that you are insane. The world of spirits, Light Beings, UFO, and all the other species out there, is just for the chosen people, the right people. That’s the reason why you see, or sense, because you were chosen. Regarding to your pictures, all of the Orbs there are real, but I have doubts on 1, in the second one there is one to the right,with different shape, and this one repeat in the last picture, to make sure that this is not a reflected shape from any thing in that area that the flash could actually reproduce, I would say to repeat the session, another night and take pictures again, same area, same location for the items in the picture, and then you can see.

    • susanG says:

      Thank you so much for your insights. I think you are right on about validation and different people’s beliefs. It makes perfect sense. I’m not sure about the oddly shaped orbs in those two pictures either, but they didn’t show up in the others that I took from the same angle. I’ll just let it be a mystery for now, but I do plan to do another session of photos in the same area to see what other mysteries I might capture.. Thanks again!

  2. my secret love for you says:

    Hello! I wanted to tell you that I have nominated you to receive the “Versatile Blogger Award”, I hope you enjoy it. You can see the post in my page @ http://mysecretloveforyou.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/another-great-award-thank-you/

  3. my secret love for you says:

    Susan I know that I have nominated you before, I hope this is not too much and I know this take some time from us, but this nomination was specifically for Best Moment, and I had a great moment when you read the energy of my mom, so you can read this nomination at

  4. orbphotog says:

    Lovely orbs. The 4th photo of course is very beautiful. Such an interesting quest to do within your own home.

  5. Interesting photos Susan. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the follow.

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